Wednesday, April 27, 2011

creme brulee - 焦糖布丁

I've been wanting to make creme brulee myself for such a long time, but I really did not feel like getting a kitchen torch. After all, I don't think i would actually make good use of it very frequently at all. So after looking around I decided to try out the broiler method. This method i feel would probably only work if you had a gas oven; I am inclined to say that electric ovens' broilers might not be hot enough (at least it has no actual flames coming out) to achieve the same effect, although I have not tried it myself. Feel free to try it with an electric oven and let me know how it goes, I'm pretty curious about it actually. So here's how I did it:


A. 1 pint of heavy whipping cream (or heavy cream)
B. ~1/2 tblsp. vanilla extract (may add or subtract based on personal preference)
C. 5 6oz. ramekins
D. 5 strawberries (optional)
E. 6 large egg yolks
F. 3/4 cups of sugar

*prepare ~3 additional tablespoons of sugar on the side for making the sugar crust before serving


1. Pour the heaving whipping cream into a pot and heat it over the stove with small-medium heat. keep an eye on this and do not allow the cream to boil. when you see a rim of small simmering bubbles forming on the surface of the cream, turn off the fire or remove it from the stove. Move onto step 2 while this is heating, but again, keep an eye on it.

2. add the sugar into to egg yolks in a mixing bowl and whisk gently to combine. there is no need for vigorous beating here, the goal is the combine the yolks and the sugar.

3. after the cream has been heated and removed from the source of heat, begin slowly dripping the hot cream into the yolk + sugar mixture prepared in step 2 while mixing/whisking gently to combine the ingredients. It is important that the cream is added SLOWLY to the yolks and mixed while it is being added. if the hot cream is added too quickly or not mixed while being added, it will cook the yolks and you will end up with flakes of cooked egg yolk instead of the final smooth egg/cream mixture.

4. after all the cream has been added, add in the vanilla extract and mix well. then strain the batter through a sieve to remove any clumps/flakes of cooked egg and foam that may have formed while mixing.

5. pour the mixture into your ramekins until they are 90% full. do not fill it to the rim. the mixture is very thin (you should realize it at this point) so if you fill it up too full, it will be difficult to move them to the oven for baking later. pre-heat your oven to 350F (~180C).

6. place the ramekins in a baking pan or oven-friendly container that has a little depth to it. heat some water in a pot on a stove and pour the hot or boiling water into the pan carefully so 3/4 of the ramekins are submerged.

7. move the entire tray with the ramekins and water in it into the pre-heated oven and bake. If you are using shallow ramekins, they should be ready in 25-30mins. if you're using deeper ones like me, it will take ~ 45 mins. You may place the tray on the lower level of the oven racks to avoid the tops from burining, and assist with the cooking of the creme brulee below the surface. check for the progress by inserting a knife or fork to see if it is cooked.

8. remove from the oven and allow the creme brulee to cool at room temperature. then cover with saran wrap and move into the fridge. refridgerate for ~3 hours to overnight, or they may be kept for ~3 days or so without going bad at all in the fridge.

9. before serving, remove from the fridge, dab the surface dry (in case of an condensation in the fridge). then sprinkle some sugar over the top.

10. turn on your oven to the "broiler" setting and place your creme brulees in a row along the broiler at the top of the oven. The ramekins should be ~1 inch away from the broiler itself on the ceiling of the oven. allow them to broil for ~3 mins while checking their status. turn off the broiler and remove them from the oven once the sugar appears to be caremelized (Brownish in color).

11. after cooling (Which only takes a couple of minutes, max), the sugar will have formed the signiture sugar crust of creme brulees.

you may garnish them however you like. I paired mine up with a strawberry to balance out the sweetness with the natural fruity taste of the berry. some people enjoy whipped cream over it, or caramel etc. play around and add what you prefer!

now its time to eat! enjoy your fresh home made creme brulee!

bon appetit!

questions, concerns, suggestions welcomed! just drop me a line in a comment below!

<3 Ney

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